Once upon today… in Europe: (Y)our 1989.
Are you already active in youth work, citizenship education or history projects and would like to learn new methods and approaches? Or are you interested in the topic and youth work, but have never done it before? Either way we invite you to apply!
Since Russia started its latest aggression against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, we are witnessing the return of war and war crimes to Eastern Central Europe. Every day we can see its horrors in the news and on social media. 30 years after the end of the Soviet Union, Putin not openly denies Ukraine the right to exist as an independent nation and as a sovereign state, but he also frames this attack as part of a global conflict with NATO and the United States.
This new historic situation also raises many questions for youth work, citizenship education and history projects. Until this year, for many people in Europe it felt like we had overcome the time in which nations were fighting against each other with lethal weapons. In the field of historic and civic education, the idea of war with all its atrocities was rather discussed as something that happened in the past and should never happen again.
In this new situation, we want to invite to a new training as part of the project “Once upon today… in Europe“. In particular, we would like to revisit the transition period between 1989 and 1991, its different narratives and meanings for the countries in Central and Eastern Europe. This topic seems to us even more important and up-to-date, since today we can still see the direct impact of this period. The old „turn of an era“ is meeting a new one.
As educators we also feel the need of reflecting on the past and how we can integrate the current developments in Ukraine into our educational work. We are already facing the challenge that we need to adapt our programs in order to meet the needs of our participants who want to share their thoughts on the war and would like to find ways to deal with it. Furthermore, we would like to pinpoint our professional boundaries. What lies in the responsibility of the educational work and how can we deal with individual and collective traumata? In order to explore this topic, to reflect and creatively deal with methods of non-formal education, we are inviting people being active in youth work, citizenship education or history projects from Estonia, Germany, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine (also people living now abroad in one of the mentioned countries) this summer to Berlin.
How to apply? Please notice our -> call for participants <-
Application deadline: July 18th 2022
Zeit: 22. August 2022 um 8:00 - 28. August 2022 um 17:00
Ort: Berlin
Veranstalter: Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung, 030/28 39 54 43, office@politische-jugendbildung-et.de