«Once upon today… in Europe» focuses on issues of belonging and identity in Europe with a focus on historical narratives. What does this mean? When people talk about history, memory and identity, they constantly tell a story about themselves, the communities and states they live in. These stories – or narratives – help people make sense of reality and they are made up of diverse facts, myths, official commemoration and personal memories. Like any other story, they are constantly shaped and reshaped through communication and reflect the values, interpretations and political objectives of the communities and people who share it. Thus, any narrative could start like a tale in present: «Once upon today…»
Zeit: 20. April 2020 - 25. April 2020
Veranstalter: Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung, 030/28 39 54 43, office@politische-jugendbildung-et.de