The Prostestant Academies in Germany invite you to conferences, focusing on a wide range of social-political topics; environmental issues, Science, Medicine, Art, Media, Psychology, Philosophy and of course, Theology. The Academies are located in splendidly attractive buildings, surrounded by beautiful scenery. They provide a forum for well balanced debates on important and current issues faced by society. The Academies are also known for their student-trips, organised debates and research.
The cost to participate and receive accommodation is affordable; discounts are also possible. All events are organised by the inter-disciplinary trained tutors. The involvement from such high-calibre experts and decision-makers ensures the highest quality events. Covering a diverse range of topics, about 1.700 events designed for over 50,000 participants are annually organised by the Academies. This places the institution of Academies amongst the key players in society. Over the course of its 60 year history, they have earned the trust of a large number of decision-makers involved in Politics, Economics, Science and NGO’S.
Under the Berlin-based umbrella organization «Evangelische Akademien in Deutschland (EAD) e. V.» the 16 Protestant Academies are united. They strive to reach the public at both a national and international level, take the lead in interdisciplinary projects and network between the various academies. The umbrella organization performs these tasks in close co-operation with its members.
The exceptional members represented in the network are as following: Evangelische Akademie der Nordelbischen Kirche, Evangelische Medienakademie, Sozialakademie Friedewald, Evangelische Landjugendakademie Altenkirchen, Forschungsstätte Evangelische Studiengemeinschaft, Evangelischer Kirchentag.